All Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo Oil Paintings

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Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo Self-Portrait as Abbot of the Accademiglia oil painting

Self-Portrait as Abbot of the Accademiglia
Painting ID::  26759
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo
Painting: Self-Portrait as Abbot of the Accademiglia
Introduction: mk52 Oil on canvas 56x44cm Brera,Milan








Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo Self-portrait oil painting

Painting ID::  84576
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo
Painting: Self-portrait
Introduction: Date between 1557(1557) and 1559(1559) Medium Oil on paper mounted on panel cjr








Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo Self-portrait oil painting

Painting ID::  88439
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo
Painting: Self-portrait
Introduction: between 1557(1557) and 1559(1559) Medium Oil on paper mounted on panel cyf








Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo self portrait as Abbot of the Accademia della Val di Blenio oil painting

self portrait as Abbot of the Accademia della Val di Blenio
Painting ID::  95742
Artist: Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo
Painting: self portrait as Abbot of the Accademia della Val di Blenio
Introduction: circa 1568(1568) Medium oil on canvas cyf








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     Check All Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo's Paintings Here!
     1538 - 1600 was an Italian painter, belonging to the second generation that produced Mannerism in Italian art and architecture. Gian Paolo Lomazzo was born in Milan from a family emigrated from the town of Lomazzo. His early training was with Giovan Battista della Cerva in Milan. He painted a large Allegory of the Lenten Feast for San Agostino in Piacenza (1567). He also painted an elaborate dome with Glory of Angels for the Capella Foppa in San Marco in Milan. He also painted the Fall of Simon Magus in the wall of the chapel. Lomazzo became blind in 1571, and turning to writing, produced two complex treatises that are milestones in the development of art criticism. His first work, Trattato dell'arte della pittura, scoltura et architettura (1584) is in part a guide to contemporary concepts of decorum, which the Renaissance inherited in part from Antiquity, which controlled a consonance between the functions of interiors and the kinds of painted and sculpted decors that would be suitable; Lespingola offered a systematic codification of esthetics that typifies the increasingly formalized and academic approaches typical of the later sixteenth century. His less practical and more metaphysical Idea del tempio della pittura ("The ideal temple of painting", 1590) offers a description along the lines of the "four temperaments" theory of the human nature and personality, . Related Artists to Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo : | Francesco Primaticcio | Aert Anthonisz | Vassilieff | Giovanni Gerolamo Savoldo | CRIVELLI, Vittorio |




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